About me

Hi there, I am Rishabh Sanjay, I completed my Bachelors in Mathematics and Scientific Computing with minors in Machine Learning and Applications from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2021. Currently I am working as a Software Developer at Oracle. Apart from working as a Software Engineer I have worked on multiple AI research projects. My research interests include but are not limited to Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Legal AI. Deep nets always drived me crazy. I was always fascinated by their sophisticated structure and loved how they help us to attain SOTA results for so many real world problems.

Previously, I have worked on “Case Judgement Prediction for Supreme Court Cases” and “Semantic Segmentation of Legal Cases using Rhetorical Roles” in the field of Legal AI under Prof. Ashutosh Modi and Prof. Arnab Bhattacharya from IIT Kanpur. I have also worked on a project with an open source organization ArviZ as part of GSoC’21. Currently I am working with Prof. Huan Sun from The Ohio State University in the field of Question-Answering. Apart from these I am also trying to extend my deep learning knowledge and not just restrict it to NLP.

In my spare time, I like solving puzzles, binging anime and playing multi-player games. I also love playing Cricket, Table Tennis and Badminton. I also love participating in competitive programming competiitions on Codeforces. I have a 1800+ rating on Codeforces.